Thursday, December 31, 2009
Derwent Ink Tense Pencils

DVD Inspired Work
Robin emailed me last week about how much she enjoys her Collage Overview DVD. Her cats came out wonderful, the eyes are just stunning! I feel like she really got the fur effect with her use of multiple shades of browns and a paper with fuzzy edges when torn (not cut!) The whiskers are some fine detail work, I'm impressed! Find Robin's work here: www.artisanartsblog.com
Thank you for the opportunity to share how much I have enjoyed watching your Paper Paintings Overview DVD...over and over again!
Not only is it beautifully produced but your informative, cut-to-the-chase descriptions of your procedures leaves the viewer full of inspiration and encouragement! You have opened up a whole new world for me as a painter of which I cannot wait to explore!
Since Christmas was quickly approaching I decided to start with making gifts for my children... using your simple techniques I created Paper Paintings of my grand-dog and cats! I had so much fun and was pleasantly surprised with the outcomes... and so were the kids! Already, I have received requests from other pet owners!
Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for sharing your love of art with the rest of us so we can be further encouraged and expanded!

Painting Paper for Paper Paintings
I have mentioned in the past that I gave up using colored art store papers due to light fast or fading issues. Now I only buy white papers and paint them my own colors with artists fluid acrylics.
I do however, still like to utilize the printed patters that often come on art store purchased papers. This week I painted some papers with gold printing and iridescent patterning. What's fun about painting these types of papers is that the pattern resists the acrylic paint and so you still have the benefit of the printed pattern PLUS the benefit of your own painted color palette.
The gold patterned paper started out brown, I painted some brown, some red, some blue and some purple. I stayed with dark colors because the paper started out dark. The iridescent paper started out white, so it was a wonderful starting point for any color I wanted! This paper was thin, so I used sheet music underneath it to catch the extra paint, and the end result was a bonus!
I purchased these papers in person at Binders Art Supply when I was in Atlanta, you can buy these papers online as well at places like DickBlick.com, I like them because they take PayPal.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
DVD Inspired Work
Sandy's panda came out great! She originally struggled with white edges on her green paper in the background. I suggested a ripping technique to her that helps eliminate the edges, but in the end Sandy went back in with more paper to cover over some of her edges. If you paint a more porous paper, the color will bleed all the way through, and you won't have white edges at all! I did tell Sandy, I don't mind white edges in some instances, it creates some interesting patterns! I think Sandy used the black paper to her advantage by pulling out the "fuzzy edges" to create a fir like feeling that really works.
Sandy told me that her final artistic decision was to crop the panda down to simplify the background and I think it really works! I love this composition with the yellow bamboo framing his face, this was really emphasized when she cropped off the extra green to the left and right of the bamboo and made the composition square rather than horizontal.
Here's what Sandy has to say about the Paper Paintings DVD which inspired her: I'm excited because today a friend of mine helped me mat and frame my little panda collage that I made after seeing your dvd! Because she thought it was so cute, I'm anxious to start another. I also got some nice comments when I posted the final on my blog. You already know I think your dvd is great!
See more of Sandy's work as well as Panda in progress: http://artjourney-sandy.blogspot.com

Monday, December 28, 2009
More From Atlanta
I was so impressed with the "Q" that I feel it deserves another blog entry. Today in my e-mailbox I received an invitation to submit to their upcoming Bird's Nest Invitational. I have done two small nests which I love, one sold and one is at the El Monte Sagrado Living Resort & Spa Grand Bohemian Gallery in Taos, NM. Looks like I'll have to create another nest! (coincidently, one of my three pieces on display at the Q currently, is a nest!)
Click Here for the info and the entry form for the Bird's Nest Invitational. I think that if you work in a small to medium format, you can easily ship to the Q and you can see from my photo above, this is a very upscale arts center and their gift shop is to die for! (I think I spent as much time in the gift shop, showcasing original art, sculpture and earrings for sale) They have tons of wall space, and if you can ship it (or maybe you live close by), BIG pieces work really well there, the place is huge!

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine

Heart Art Featured in "Musings" Section of Magazine
The current issue of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine features my Heart Art which incorporates underpainting, sketching and Scrabble tiles, in the Musings section of this wonderful mixed media publication. I have been featured in CPS before, a feature article and a photo of my own paper skirt in the Musings section. I very much appreciate my relationship with them and look forward to future opportunities!
If you are interested in purchasing my one-of-a-kind original Heart Art for your sweetheart, combined with a copy of Cloth Paper Scissors (I will include with the art)... here are the details
Heart Art - unframed
15" x 17 ½"
Collage on Panel
$195 plus $9.95 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
American Veterinary Medical Association

Le Coq du Village Chosen for Cover
The American Veterinary Medical Association has chosen one of my roosters to adorn the cover of the February 15, 2010 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. The Journal is published twice a month and has a circulation of over 78,000. On the masthead page of each issue, they have a feature called “About the Cover” in which they identify the title of the artwork, artist, and a short story of the artist and painting.
Dr. Kathy Swift, of Cow art And More features my cows and rooster art for sale on her blog. She is the person who is completely responsible for submitting my work for consideration by the American Veterinary Medical Association for the cover of their Journal.
My cousin is a veterinarian in Massachusetts, I told him about my art being featured on the cover of the Journal and he told me that he is consistently impressed by the quality of art that adorns the cover and that to have been chosen for it is quite an honor.
I know most of us do not have access to this publication, I just wanted to share with you. And also to remind artists that you just never know where opportunity will lie for promoting your art. Meeting new people and talking about your art is how you make connections and create opportunities for yourself, you never know where life will take you!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Snuggle up With a Good Book

Peter Clark's Book and more
On my trip to Atlanta to visit with the Atlanta Collage Society, and view their show at the Quinlan Visual Arts Center which is a beautiful exhibition space, and I am fortunate enough to have three pieces on display in the show.
While in Atlanta, I had a very nice visit with Barbara Dunham, the president of the Atlanta Collage Society. Barbara and I talked day and night about all things art and collage, and she shared with me some of her favorite art books. This one by Peter Clark called "Paperwork" really made me smile and I thought some of you might enjoy it as much as I did. I liked it so much I ordered it here from amazon!
What's neat about Clark's style as well as many of the members of the Atlanta Collage Society is that they use YES! Paste, to tack their papers down on the corners, and leave loose edges that cast shadows and offer dimension to their work. Some of these loose edged pieces are framed under glass and some are not. This style is totally different from mine, where I use acrylic gloss gel medium under and over all paper to adhere it firmly to the wood panel and give it an appearance of paint.
While in Atlanta I also visited Eli Pelizza at Binders Art Supply and we are working on a Paper Paintings Collage Workshop at the Atlanta location in July. Stay tuned for dates! A trip to Atlanta for some gallery hopping and fun with collage should be part of your new year's resolution, don't you think?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Collage Overview DVD

Collage Process Overview
So far I have sold tons of DVDs and I was hoping to get some feedback from those of you who have purchased the DVD! Please email me some samples of the work you are doing, stuff that was inspired by the DVD! Also let me know how you like the content and how it is presented on the disc.
This 30-minute DVD makes a great stocking stuffer for the artist in your life. CLICK HERE for more information and to purchase
Monday, December 14, 2009
More Shoe Ads Featuring Paper Paintings

After All, A Girl Can Never Have Too Many Shoes!
Here are three MORE ad layouts (new shoes being added all the time) I did for the John Fluevog Shoe Company contest. For the first one I did, scroll down to view "Birds of a Feather" in an earlier blog posting or click here. You may still vote for that ad layout, and you can vote every day if you are so inclined, you just click to give it a thumbs up.
I'd love to win $1,000 worth of shoes, so if you have a minute, would you go and vote for my ads in the gallery?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Offering Inspiration

Girl Scout Troop 4144
I was asked to speak to the Girl Scouts in my neighborhood last week. They were working on an art badge and needed to interview a female artist. When the troop leader asked if I would come and speak to them, of course I said yes. This opportunity was special to me because I had recently had the Cub Scouts visit me in my studio, but also because I was a Girl Scout Myself.
When I went to visit the girls, I dug out my old Girl Scout vest, which thanks to my Mother I still have. I noticed on the back there were patches from the sleep away camps I used to attend with my sister and even a Cookie Time patch from 1978. I was a Brownie and then a Girl Scout all the way through middle school. What a nice bunch of memories that vest brought to me.
I talked to the girls about art, I answered their prepared questions about what inspires me, what my favorite subject matter is and what my favorite color is, then we all looked at the art assignments they had completed in order to earn their badge.
This was really a nice opportunity for me to give back to the Girl Scouts and my community. When they asked me what made me want to go to college for art I told them that I loved art and it was one of the few things I was really good at in my youth. I also stressed to them that it was in fact my high school art teacher who encouraged me to explore art as a career and even helped me prepare the entire portfolio section of my college application. Without this amazing teacher in my life, I may never have ended up where I am today.
I am always pleased when given a chance to offer inspiration to young people in art.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Music Collages

Sneak Peek
Jazz Singer | 18x24 | collage on panel
I will be posting some work in progress and some sneak peeks of the stuff I am doing for the BIG Music show next September at Maitland Art Center here in Florida. 35-40 pieces and I am still looking for ideas and inspiration as to what visually represents music to you! If you have a minute, comment and tell me what you think of visually when you think about music!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
5x7 Framed Mini

Give the Gift of Art
Recently I sold the other two framed minis, so this is your last chance! This mini "Love" is framed in a hand made frame of reclaimed barn wood, it's got hanging wire and a papered back, it's ready go give!
7" x 5" (17.8cm x 12.7cm)
Collage on Panel
$40 plus $4.95 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Fine Art and Advertising Meet

Today my two worlds collide! I am a graphic artist in addition to a fine artist and I have entered a contest to create an ad for my favorite shoe maker, John Fluevog. I have been wearing these shoes ever since my brother got married in CA and I found them in a shop in Santa Cruz.
I designed an ad for the Mini Zaza shoe ( I would not mind having a pair of those) using my own collage artwork. Graphic design and fine art unite!
Won't you vote for my ad? Click here and you will go to the ad gallery page, every time they add more work the pages shift, so if you don't see the ad pictured above, put "peacock" in the search at the top.
You can vote once a day, every day if you like. Tell your friends and family that I WANT those shoes! And a girl can never have too many shoes...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmas Concert

Come out and enjoy the Maitland Symphony Orchestra
I play violin for this wonderful group, and we are giving a FREE holiday concert on December 13 at 7:30pm. Doors open at 7pm. We will feature the Orlando Brass, holiday singers, dancers and actors. Our symphony is over 100 members, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Collage Demonstration

Work in Progress
Come out to the Katharine Butler Gallery in Sarasota, FL this Saturday, December 5 from 2-4pm. I will be giving a FREE Demo on my collage process. I'm also bringing some new small format cardinal collages that will make great gifts for the holidays.
I will explain my process step by step, including materials and techniques. We will have time for Q&A and you may purchase my DVD to help you remember everything you learned!
Please RSVP with Chris Falk, the gallery director by calling 941-955-4546