A Labor of LoveI used to paint in an extra bedroom in our home, that was before I had kids. The kids kept me busy for a number of years, because I had two of them, back to back. When I was ready to paint again, my husband (my biggest fan and strongest supporter) carved me out a corner of our two car garage, framed it in, tiled the floor and air conditioned it. I painted there for a several years but eventually I needed more space. We decided to construct a free-standing studio for me in our back yard two years ago. My brother, an expert builder and an engineer, was the man for the job! My husband and I contracted him to build me a new and improved space that would offer the natural light that the garage space did not, as well as more room and a separation from the house. Alan stayed with us for 10 days, and made me his apprentice on the job. I must tell you that operating the nail gun, hanging the insulation and cutting the tile made this apprentice appreciate every square inch of her new studio space even more! Now Alan was teaching me how to do new things, and he was very patient in the process!
I came away with something more than a new studio in the summer of 2006.
My brother is 9 years younger than me and he lives in Massachusetts, I moved from there to Florida 15 years ago. Making multiple trips to The Home Depot wearing their logo hats, filling our complimentary plastic travel mugs with "contractor coffee," and working side by side, I got to know my
little brother a little better.
Alan's life has changed a lot since I cared for him as a baby. He now has a two college degrees, owns a home, has a wife and two babies of his own! My
baby brother is all grown up. I still think of what fun we had building the studio when I am out there painting in what has become my sanctuary, and I think about how generous it was for him to give me 10 days away from his own family and the opportunity to learn a few things from him!