Making Art With Paper
Judith Segall and I have been asked again by former students and people who missed the
Two Days/Two Ways Making Art With Paper workshop, to do it again. I wanted to give you all the information so you can consider our next two-part class.
This class can be for the beginner or returning student, we will taylor our one-on-one with you to your level, if you are returning, bring the project you are currently working on. If you are a beginner, we'll be starting the collage component with a single apple to teach directional ripping, following form, and achieving a dimensional feeling with collage.
You may take Paper Making with Judith Segall ONLY or you may take
Paper Painting with me ONLY, but your best bet is to take BOTH! You can use your own hand-made papers in your collage work. The class is two Saturdays, March 13 for Paper Making and March 20 for
Paper Painting. Both dates are Saturdays and the hours are 10am-2pm.
SSAA Members: "I attended both workshops recently and they were both fabulous! Both are well worth your time. Very inspiring!!" – Laurie
"I thoroughly enjoyed myself Saturday, thank you! You provide a very warm, inviting and fun environment to play and learn." - Bonny
"...the workshop was wonderful! I can't believe how many new tips I picked up. Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience. It was a joy to spend a Saturday among a group of women artists" - Deborah
Click here for the registration form