Monday, February 1, 2010

First of Four Underpaintings

Barnyard Rooster (and friend)
A week or so ago I posted about four underpaintings, Here is the first photo I have of the finished collages. Believe it or not, I locked myself in my studio this weekend and finished the last of the four. I had started on them during the week and did make good progress with the cow and goat, but Sunday was the big push and now I have all four completed. The roosters still need to be varnished, but it's rainy and humid here today.

Stay tuned for photos of the other three. The peacock head is yet another underpainting, just happened to be on the desk at the same time, along with my Derwent InkTense pencils and my apple I use to teach students about tearing paper to wrap around the form, adding dimension with directional ripping AND shading...


  1. I could probably use that apple lesson!

    Elizabeth, how do you get 35-50 paintings together for that show in September if they keep selling before then?

  2. I don;t think they will all sell, but I don't want to hope for that either, you know? I'll just keep producing work and hope for the best. I have a few music related pieces in my body of work that I can put in the show even though they are not new. I have already created new work for the show that is under wraps, I have not blogged about it and I have not showed it to anyone. :)

  3. Can't wait to see these! I also am looking forward to you teaching me how to "apple". I am working on a gnome...I want his beard and mustache to tickle you when you get close...wondering how I am going to get the dimension I want. See you Saturday!


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